Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to find your true calling

                       In today's world its not always easy to get the job of your dreams with the perfect salary and benefits. But what do you do if you have no idea what you want to do? Well for starters, get out a piece a paper and start brainstorming. 

Think! What is something YOU enjoy doing? Maybe you enjoy cooking or making model airplanes or playing the piano, whatever it is, just write it down! After writing it all down, pick the one you enjoy the most.
Imagine it. If Walt Disney was able to imagine and create Disneyland, then why not you? Close your eyes and picture it! See if you can imagine yourself doing this on a day to day basis. If you can, then move on to the next step.

How do I get there? Make a plan. Whether you have to go back to school or start an internship, the possibilities are endless. For example, say you want to be a bridal consultant, but money is a little bit too tight to go back to school. Consider an internship at one of the local shops. If they will let you intern there, but they are not able to pay you for it, then at least you have the experience. (And you never know if they really think you are doing a great job, they may just hire you.) Other options include loans, grants, or even online jobs such as blogging--which is a wonderful way to earn some extra money. 

Support. Its normal to get discouraged, just make sure you share what you want to do with your friends and family. They can offer you the support you need and encouragement when you feel like giving up.
Don't stop believing. Ok I'm not going to get all Journey on you, however, it's true. Its easy for us to go back to our day to day jobs and just dream. But instead just do it! The last thing you want to do is wake up one morning and realize you could have changed it.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Top five things wrong with San Francisco

Recently I have started my vacationing in San Francisco, CA, and amid my travels I've found a little bit of everything, from Chinatown to Fisherman's Wharf and it's all very interesting. (I'm not saying San Francisco is a horrible city so before you read this title and say "who the !@#$% does she think she is?!" read the rest of it.) But there have been somethings I have noticed that I'm sure many other tourists or even locals have said WTF to, and here's the top five:

1.) Traffic--Now, I know its not as bad as New York City, but, New York City would also not cram cars, trolley's, buses, and--what I believe is either called a Muni or Caltrain--on the same road.
2.) People--I have been in this city for about three days and in my three days, I have only experienced two people who have actually stopped to say "hello" or "have a nice day!" or something to that nature.
3.) Prices! Prices! Prices!--I understand its San Francisco but why is it when I want to tour Exhibit A that locals pay $3.00 for a pass and since I am a tourist have to pay $7.00?
4.) Cash only?--I can understand in some places where "cash only" is necessary but in a place as famous as San Francisco, I would never think using my Mastercard or Visa would be an issue.
5.) Smog-- 

Enough said about that. In my opinion the top five worst things I listed above could be fixed this way:

1.) For the traffic either make the roads bigger or add another route.
2.) I know not EVERY person I come in contact with will be friendly, but maybe if traffic wasn't horrible and the prices weren't bad it would be a start.
3.) Treat others as you would want to be treated. (Also can be applied to number two.)
4.) Dear business owners, you live in San Francisco! You are not anything "special," EVERYONE has a Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express so get over it!
5.) Ok so here's a question...if there are so many liberals "concerned" about the environment in San Francisco, then wouldn't you think that San Francisco would have more Hybrid vehicles? I mean, I live in North Carolina and I see a ton of people that drive Hybrid vehicles, the only types of vehicles I saw in San Francisco were: Lexus, Mercedes, and BMW's.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How to stay positive

Let's face it, sometimes life can feel uncontrollable, like one bad day after the next. But just because you have a few bad things happen, doesn't mean your life is horrible. So how do you stay positive when it feels like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders?

Stay positive- Don't assume EVERYTHING about your day or week is going to be horrible! Yes an unfortunate event(s) happened, but that doesn't mean the rest of your day or week is going to be as bad.
Friends & Family- The biggest thing for me when I'm having a bad day is having someone to talk to about it. If its bothering you, let it out! Don't keep it bottled up! And if you stop and talk to either your best friend, parent, or boyfriend, you will not only feel better letting it out, but they may even be able to help YOU out.
Exercise- Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is work it out. For myself, I have acute anxiety, which is basically where I just feel really anxious sometimes for no particular reason, so exercising is great for not only getting in shape but also relieving my anxiety.
Do something you love- Give yourself a little treat. It doesn't have to be something major like buying a new car or TV. It can be something little, like maybe a bubble bath, or your favorite movie, or even a walk on the beach.
Meditate- Taking some time to just sit, relax, and clear your head can really bring you at peace.
See your doctor- If you constantly feel down and are experiencing chest pains,etc. Talk to your doctor and see if they can help you find a solution.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How to get out of debt and save more

      Let's face it, credit cards are evil! The credit card companies tempt us with these special offers, large credit limits or no credit limits, and giving you the option to put your favorite picture on the card. And after all that, you get your statement at the end of the month, and you are probably thinking, "I spent that much?" But it's ok because you have a minimum payment of twenty dollars a month to pay for the rest of your life. So here's how you get rid of those evil cards:

1.) Add them up! Take all the credit cards you have, and add the total up.
2.) Pick the one you want to pay off first. Personally, I start with the one with the lowest balance because I know I will be able to pay it off faster--not to mention you can then focus on the ones with the larger debt.
3.) Create a goal list. Sometimes when you start to pay one credit card down, that "available balance" can be tempting. So let's say your goal is to pay off your Citi card, and when you do then you will get a new video game, or cellphone, etc. And don't forget to cut up the credit card!
4.) Save! Save! Save! Ok so now you have paid off all your credit cards, and thrown them away, and all of a sudden...you have a little more extra money. Feels good doesn't it?
5.)Make a new list. So, you're saving all this money and you don't have any of those mean old credit cards to use. What do you want to do? Do you have anything like car insurance you want to pay off in full? What about planning a trip? How about checking your credit score to see what it is? The possibilities are endless!

Pizza Pizza!

Here is a simple and delicious pizza recipe, perfect for a rainy day:


1 package frozen pizza dough
1 1/2 cup of your favorite tomato sauce
1 tablespoon fresh basil
1 tablespoon olive oil
16 ounces fresh mozzarella, sliced thin
1 clove garlic, chopped


1.) Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and prepare pizza dough according to package. Drizzle dough with olive oil.
2.) Spread sauce over pizza dough and place garlic on top.
3.) BEFORE adding anything additional, bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Then remove from oven and add mozzarella and basil. Place back in the oven for 10 to 13 more minutes, or until the bottom is crisp and brown. Enjoy!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Facts about guys you didn't know!

1.) A guy can like you for a minute...and then forget you afterwards.
2.) Guys actually prefer neat and presentable girls compared to good-looking girls.
3.) Guys will go crazy over a girl's smile.
4.) When a guy tells you he "doesn't understand you," it means you are not thinking the way he is.
5.) When a guy is in love with you, he will ignore all your bad characteristics.
6.) Guys love flirts.
7.) Guys DO cry.
8.) Once you touch a guy's heart, there is no turning back.
9.) A guy will go crazy when a girl simply touches their hand.
10.) When a girl says "no" a guy hears it as "maybe tomorrow."
11.) Guys will buy you roses.
12.) You can never understand a guy unless you listen to him.
13.) Guys think a little too much.
14.) Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them.
15.) When a girl makes the guy suffer during courting, it is hard for him to let her go.
16.) It is not easy for a guy to let go of his girlfriend after a breakup especially if it was a three or more year relationship.
17.) Girls have to let guys know what they want before getting involved with that guy.
18.) When a guy says he is going crazy about a girl, he is.
19.) Guys do not have a final decision.
20.) When a guy loves you, it brings out the best in him.

Random facts about Love

1.) According to scientists, most people will fall in love approximately seven times before they get married.
2.) 40-70% of female homicides are committed by their spouses or lovers.
3.) In many cultures, knots are symbols of eternal love that has neither a beginning or an end.
4.) Women feel loved when talking with their partner face to face, however men feel emotionally close when they work, play, or talk side by side.
5.) Solution to remain in love for a lifetime? Listen actively to your partner, ask questions, give answers, stay attractive, appreciate, include your partner, give him/her privacy, grow intellectually, tell your partner what you need, be honest and trustworthy, accept their shortcomings, never threaten to leave, give respect, say "no" to adultery, don't always assume the relationship will last forever, and cultivate variety!
6.)Couples who divorce typically tend to divorce around their fourth year of marriage.
7.) Couples that stay married after their fourth year of marriage generally stabilize until around eight years.
8.) Kama is the Hindu God of love and desire, Sutra means a manual or a guide.
9.) Two-thirds of people report that they fall in love with someone they have known for sometime vs. someone they have just met.
10.) Listen men! Men who have kissed their wives in the morning live five years LONGER than those who don't.


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